I am...
Working on a small-but-mighty design team at HOUSE RX making distributing & receiving medications for patients with chronic illness easier for both pharmacists and patients through medically integrated dispensing. 

I have...
Written a paper on how HCI can impact social challenges, specifically around sustaining marine systems based on design research for Tinyseas. (Read it)​​​​​​​
Created a comprehensive accessibility + inclusivity system for design + dev from scratch at SCOUT.
Transformed a previously untouched data goldmine into a navigable, actionable investment app at the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology (FCAT).

Other experiences
Rue Gilt Groupe
Design Intern
Photo editing & typographic design for gilt.com.
Head of Brand
Brand design, collateral, & website design for custom software consultancy club, Sandbox. Mentored designers & led educational events.
Boston Beer Company
Design Intern
Custom point-of-sale for Samuel Adams, Truly, Twisted Tea, and more brands.
Artistry Magazine
Arts Editor
Pitched, wrote, edited, and photographed articles as part of executive board for campus print & digital arts, theater, and music magazine, Artistry. Designed print magazine as senior member of design team.

Northeastern University
B.S. Marketing + Interaction Design
09.2017 - 05.2022
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